Running Toward Community

Running Toward Community

Why do you run?

Some people run for a sense of freedom. While others run for confidence, health (mental and physical), or sport. Most people don’t run for a giant medal necklace to accent their outfits. But whatever the reason, finding a connection with fellow runners who ‘get it’ has got to be one of the biggest perks.

I mean, aren’t we all in some sense searching for a community? Whether that community is large or small, we naturally seek interactions with other people. Even the introverts (Disclaimer: I can say this because I am one). We want to be seen, we want to feel known, and ultimately be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

Creating a Running Community.

So, what makes these connections possible?

There are so many ways to get your own community of runners. One of those is participating in a marathon or race event.

Picture this, you’re at the starting line surrounded by people, music, and lights, waiting for the pivotal moment of the starting gun. Adrenaline is pumping. It’s not surprising that, like in other aspects of life, physically working toward the same goal can create a bond. This goal of finishing the race is not only felt by the runners but by the family and friends waiting at every mile marker and by the volunteers loading up cups of water and snack stations. Every touchpoint of the event creates an opportunity for connection. Because a lot of the time these events bring together more than just the runners, but also people that support similar causes. Finishing the race can symbolize finding a cure and that purpose behind your run can build a strong community.

We truly should be so grateful for the people who host and organize running events. They are the generators of connection, support, and sometimes a unified purpose. So whether you’re in the race side by side with fellow runners. Or you’re supporting financially by sponsoring a close family or friend. Or emotionally supporting them by waiting at each checkpoint to cheer them on! You have an opportunity in front of you to build connection.

Alright, here’s the plug. I hope you can see that we genuinely care about the why behind people’s achievements. In fact, we care so much about it that we want to be a part of it and join the excitement! If you’re planning a running event, we’d love to partner with you in supplying the medals, or maybe even Custom Medals, that capture that ‘why’.

We recognize that in the same way that most don’t carry around their trophy or crystal business awards when they reach a new goal, the medal they receive doesn’t typically become a part of their daily wardrobe. It does, however, symbolize what they accomplished. Or sometimes it opens up a way to share what they care deeply about with other people, the goal behind the run itself.

So whether you’re creating or wearing a custom medal, sporting the t-shirt from sponsoring a family, or setting up the water for the checkpoints, you are running toward community. We’d love to run with you and help provide items that eternalize these events in each person’s life!

Feb 17th 2023 Samantha Sullivan

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