Ordering Custom Medals

Ordering Custom Medals

You bring your big ideas, we’ll give them life.

Yes, it really is that simple.

So you want something unique and special to encapsulate a moment in time. Finding an item that holds meaning to a variety of people can be difficult. If you’re here you’re exploring the idea of a custom medal. Maybe you’re thinking… How do you order a custom medal? Is this creating a custom medal really achievable?

We know that custom can feel complicated, unachievable and expensive. We also know that isn’t necessarily true. That you CAN easily order custom medals that are affordable, look great and carry a meaningful message.

So, while creating something from the ground up can feel overwhelming. The intentionality and care behind custom items can raise the value they hold to the receiver. Today we’re going to take some time to walk through the process of ordering custom metals with the Trophy Awards team.

When you first contact us our first step will be to understand what you’re celebrating. The more we know about your purpose the more you help us fulfill ours! We want to join in your joy and capture it in a way that shouts your appreciation. We’ll also need to know some less exciting details such as when you need your medals, how many you need, and your budget. Your budget will determine things like the range in size, personalization (individual names, etc.), etc.

From there we move on to a more fun aspect, capturing your heart in the design. Whether you have a grand design already planned or have ideas but don’t have a solid concept or file ready to go, Trophy Awards is equipped to help you. There are a few factors that go into a medal design, some of those being size, neck ribbon, and logo/color. Our in house design team will work with you to take your vision and the heart behind your event to create your custom design. You will receive a visual mockup (or ‘proof) and be able to collaborate on any adjustments needed.

Once we have the details and the design, your medal mold will be created and used to produce your very own, one of a kind, custom medals.

Now, we arrive to the moment you’ve been anticipating. It’s finally race day or competition day or whatever day it is that you’re celebrating. And you get to watch with joy as the medals are received and admired for the unique pieces they are. A worthy gift for a worthy recipient, recognizing the hard work and dedication that had to come before this day.

A medal already solidifies a memory of achievement by physically representing that day, a custom medal amplifies this by showing the care that behind it’s creation.

So there you have it, you’re basically a custom medal ordering expert now. Hopefully the intimidation of the word ‘Custom’ has lost some of its edge. If it hasn’t, we’re happy to walk you through the process from beginning to end. 

Jan 20th 2023 Samantha Sullivan

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