Laser Processes


The Laser Marking Process

Laser marking is where the magic happens! When a laser beam dances over a material's surface, it subtly changes its properties or appearance without a hitch. This technique, called discoloration, uses a low-powered beam to create stunning, high-contrast marks. The laser gently heats the material, causing a cool oxidation effect beneath the surface, turning it black, while keeping everything smooth and intact.


Why is laser marking so special?

It's a rare gem; not everyone offers this service.
Also known as laser coloration or dark marking, it even goes by charring for plastics and annealing for metals.
Four main types: annealing, carbon migration, foaming, and coloration.
A favorite in the medical device industry for marking stainless steel and titanium, but it works on other materials too.
Perfect for creating barcodes, UID codes, QR codes, logos, and other identification marks.

The Laser Engraving Process

Laser engraving is like sculpting with light! This process involves a laser beam carving out the material's surface to reveal a design that stands out. The laser's high heat vaporizes the material in a flash, creating a noticeable cavity. Want a deeper mark? Just make a few more passes with the laser.


What makes laser engraving awesome?

Three types to choose from: etching, deep laser engraving, and laser ablation, each unique in its approach.
The go-to choice for personalized and custom items.
Not for safety-critical parts, but it shines in many other areas.
Max engraving depth in metals is 0.020", but can go up to 0.125" in graphite.
Fastest way to make your mark with a laser.
Ideal for parts that endure high wear.
Commonly used for serial numbers, logos, and more.
Works on almost any surface: metal, plastic, wood, leather, and glass.

Laser engraving vs. traditional engraving?

Versatile with various materials.
More legible for small items like jewelry.
Offers a wider range of fonts.
Less risk of damage or deformation.
Faster than traditional methods.

The Laser Etching Process

Laser etching is where heat meets creativity! This process makes the material's surface melt and expand, creating a raised mark that’s just a touch away. Unlike engraving, etching's depth is usually no more than 0.001".


Why laser etching rocks:

Changes metal surfaces, enhancing contrast and altering reflectivity.
Removes just 0.001" or less of the material.
Suitable for bare, anodized, or plated metal surfaces, as well as polymers and ceramics.

Ready to add some laser magic to your products? Explore our laser marking, engraving, and etching services to create something truly extraordinary!