Engraving Policy

Trophy Awards is a Core Values based Learning Organization. This means that we operate our business and our relationships through the unwavering guidance of these Core Values. To help better understand the values we collectively use within our organization, they are listed in the footer of this page.

Trophy Awards believes one of our purposes is to help others express love and appreciation. This purpose is manifested in the awards we bring to our product line and the service we provide. One of these long-time services is the process of engraving on personal items that customer bring us.

Over the years, it has become apparent that we sometimes over-extend ourselves with a heart and desire to serve others. You see, we never want to turn away the opportunity to help express appreciation, but we are wondering if we are really serving you with the level of excellence in the engraving services we offer. There are a lot of variables to consider when engraving customer supplied items…there are unknowns and uncertainties which can lead to a bad customer experience.

Below are the guidelines and best practices that we are implementing to maximize our ability to provide a great experience with customer supplied items...an experience that is beneficial to our customers and our team as a whole.

  1. Engraving customer-provided items requires a higher level of assessment than our stock products. These items need to be assessed and evaluated by multiple individuals on our team before we can determine “if” and “how” we can successfully complete the service requested. Given the multiple layers of evaluation, collaboration, and resources required to accomplish these projects, Trophy Awards needs to implement a minimum charge of $45 to engrave on customer-provided items. In some very time-consuming projects, we may need to charge more, but in general, customers can expect to pay a minimum of $45 for engraving on their provided items.

  2. Trophy Awards values and respects items that possess a personal value that makes them irreplaceable, such as inherited items or family heirlooms; things with sentimental value. We care too much for our customers to risk ruining items that are priceless to them. We can no longer in good conscience engrave or personalize these items. Our relationship is too valuable to risk it to personalize sentimental items that are irreplaceable.

  3. Trophy Awards also values and respects the financial investment customers have made in items that do not necessarily possess sentimental value. We do not desire to cause customers financial strain or stress. As a result, we can no longer personalize items that will cost more than $150 for the customer to replace should the finished product not meet the customer’s expectations and/or our high quality standards. We hope that you understand that Trophy Awards cannot be responsible for this expense. Please see our waiver for more details.

  4. In the past, Trophy Awards has been willing to engrave on firearms, knives, and other items that are classified as weapons. We have learned that, in many cases, we cannot guarantee our typical standard of quality when engraving these items. We have also found that these items present a safety risk to our staff while in house. Because we cannot guarantee high quality when engraving these items and because of the increased risk associated with handling these items, we will no longer engrave or personalize weapons.

  5. In some cases, customers may bring in items that do not fall under the categories highlighted above. Should this be the case, the staff will look at the item to assess whether or not the work can be completed at the level of quality our customers have come to expect from us. If the employee who would be responsible for performing the work is not confident the work can be done satisfactorily, we cannot move forward with engraving or personalizing the customer-provided item.

Trophy Awards Mfg., Inc. is committed to providing a great customer experience. Unfortunately, sometimes that means we need exercise the discipline to say “no…I don’t think this is a project we should take-on.”

We hope that you find this document to be helpful to you. However, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us at 859-442-7500.


Pursue Excellence – Keep It Real – Embrace Change – Fail Forward – Be Lean & Efficient – Build Up Others – Fun Is Mandatory – Kill It Collaborate – Be Healthy – Live Generously