About Us
Through Expressions of Love, Honor, & Affirmation we will transform LIVES to be empowered & discover purpose ORGANIZATIONS to embrace celebration & cultivate belonging COMMUNITIES to encourage engagement & foster connection.
Empowering people to impact others through celebration.
Pursue Excellence: Strive for greatness in all you do.
Build Up Others: Love intentionally through actions, attitudes, and words.
Embrace Change: Abandon comfort - Persistently learn - Be transformed.
Be Healthy: Seek growth: financially, intellectually, physically, relationally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Keep It Real: Be honest with yourself and others.
Collaborate: Work together to be exceptional.
Fail Forward: Seize the learning that failure exposes.
Be Lean and Efficient: Be intentional. Be organized. Be productive.
Fun is Mandatory: Be intentional. Be organized. Be productive.
Live Generously: Give abundantly.
We love our team…. we love our people…and we believe our team is of immeasurable value.You see, we believe that: "you cannot give what you do not have." So, we are developing and nurturing a team of people who recognize their incredible worth and are, thereby, able to give love to others with sustainable excellence.
At the foundation of Trophy Awards is our Core Values, and we've built a team of people who align with these values. We believe that there is power in agreement - and that a team united in their values will always outperform teams operating in silos and division. We strive to understand each other for who we really are - beyond the surface of a resume - so that each person on our team can lay aside pretense and be seen and known. This is a team of brave individuals who are willing to lean into discomfort and vulnerability for the sake of a meaningful work-life that is integrated with their whole-life aspirations.
Albert Einstein said, "Once you stop learning, you start dying." We believe his quote is true. Because we love each staff member, we feel a constant responsibility to invite each staff member away from the dangerous lures of comfort and stagnation and into a relationship with learning and change. You see, we believe learning is the path to empowerment…empowerment is the path to transformation…transformation is the path to a life of abundance and meaning. As our team learns, grows, and matures, they develop the heart and skill to serve others with sincere passion and discerning insight.
We want our team to live a life full of joy, abundance, and connection. We want that for them - and we want that for you! This is a team that will work to earn your trust and empower you to transform the lives of others through expressions of love, honor, and affirmation. I'm honored to introduce them!
Jason Bumgartner
Co-owner, Operations Enthusiast. Set goals, enjoy the ride, and throw a party when you get there!
Jenny Bumgartner
Co-owner, I love our customers, the beautiful products we make, nature and my family.
Andy Eastman
Problem solver, people person. I love to coach and teach and be with family.
Britney Horton
Love making others laugh, helping others, yard work, and DIY projects.
Landon Martin
I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.
Megan Leimbach
Planning Maestro and Overall Funny Girl. I love running, being a new mom and finding great people to join our team.
Jessica Puckett
Driver, motivator, homeowner, scarf knitter, and she enjoys the lake.
Joe Gray
Man of Mystery, he is a reader, a seeker, a leader, and a keeper.
Ryan Forman
I love sports, playing and listening to music, and spending time with my wife and 5 children.
Angie Briley
Life has been such a blessing and I enjoy being able to pay it forward as often as possible.
Dustin Sullivan
EC Driven (Employee Care) Striving to be intentional in my interactions. I LOVE to be outside.